Bear, brown/grizzly (Ursus arctos)




                                             mounted by Alexander Sokolov


large to very large bear, front elevated, left turned, open mouth 

head/ neckpart and left front leg are foamed separately

measurments:  (A x B x C x D x E): 18 x 47 x 86 x 218 x 146cm

recommended CC glass eyes: 190 RD,  20mm, B18

recommended IPT eyes: 190IPT   18/28mm    B59

jaws:  JN006 (Kodjak bear, nat.color)

tongue: TS006 

or Jawset  D-GEB-B12


direction always seen from the animals view


SO-G-B13-L-O                         bear                         € 720.-

prices + shipping costs and VAT

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